Lead Acid Battery

What is Lead Acid Battery?

Accumulator systems are a system that converts electrical energy into chemical energy to ensure the operation of vehicles. Looking at the evolution of battery technology, it is also important to note the progress made in the technology and automotive industry. Because, thanks to advancing technology, battery types have also increased. The first systems are commonly known as lead acid batteries. Lead acid is considered the oldest rechargeable battery system in history and is still a widely used model today. Low cost production and high capacity are among the features that make this product advantageous.

What are the Features of Lead Acid Battery?

Lead acid batteries are the oldest and most widely used as an energy system. In order to better understand the features of these batteries, it is important to have information about factors such as working principles and materials used.

This type of battery requires checking the electrolyte level and may require water replenishment as needed. For this reason, they fall into the category of batteries that require maintenance.

Lead acid batteries are heavier than new generation batteries and therefore they are not preferred in electric vehicles.

If any damage occurs in the boxes of these batteries, there may be a decrease in the electrolyte level.

After 4-5 years of use, they may lose a large part of their energy capacity.

Lead acid batteries are not resistant to charge in deep cycle systems. They are also not suitable for fast charging, and the best charging times can be up to 16 hours.

A negative situation such as sulfation may occur in low-charged uses.

Lead acid batteries have superior properties compared to lithium-ion batteries and can perform better in cold weather conditions.

For example, an application that requires very high current density in a short time, such as the generator start battery, and those used in areas that need to be serviced at low current density for very long periods of time require different types.

As EKA System, we can offer direct solutions for your lead acid battery needs under the Energo brand.

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